Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mesa Verde Colrado

The kids and I pondered over how hard life was back then.

They ate their spinach that morning!

Kris found this perfect face size hole in the rock wall and I decided that it was a primitive method of 'time out'!

Fire pit.

Minion Kitty in the desert.

Of course this is how she traveled most of the day. She loved it, spoiled cat!

This is inside that window in the previous picture.

This is the same hut, but looking up.

The coyote was really that close to our car. Kristina wanted to get out and pet it! We called it the chi-o-tee for the rest of the day and made sure to keep an good eye on Minion so she didn't become a chi-o-tee snack. I had to put the picture of our car in there because we were so excited when we realized that we had parked next to someone from Idaho! Click on the collage to enlarge the pictures.

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