Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas, Weiser Style

These are the only pictures I have from our visit to Weiser over Christmas break. They were accidentally erased off of the camera! Needless to say, I totally freaked out! Thankfully a camera shop was able to retrieve them for us and put them on a cd, but of course, the cd drive in my computer doesn't work!

Kristina and Kelsey. Best friends.

Todd and Jacoby Miller. Wonderful guys. Both of these guys are over 6ft tall!!! When I first saw Jacoby and he gave me a hug, being so short, I felt like a little kid hugging his tummy!

The drive from Weiser to Boise took place in the evening, in the dark. The whole way the girls were laughing hysterically with tons of flashes from the camera coming from the back seat.

Kailyn and Mason

Adrian and Kristina have been the closest of friends since kindergarten.

One of our favorite families, the Nobles!

Devin at a birthday party with some of his friends. He was SO excited to see Charlie. Those boys sure missed each other.

The day we arrived in Weiser we went to school and surprised Kristina's friends. They didn't think that she was going to be there until the next day. Needless to say, she was mobbed in the lunch room! (I shed a few tears.) The visitors tag on Kristina's jacket just looks SO wrong!

The blanket Kelsey made Kris for Christmas.

The kids and Brayden. We used to live across the street from this cutie pie. I couldn't get over how much he had grown and changed in the 9 months we had been gone!

We sure miss everyone SO much!!! We are very thankful that we were able to visit and can't wait until we get to come back!

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