Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Birthday Adventure. . .

These are some pictures from my 30 something birthday this last summer. Don and the kids took me to McCall for the day. We played in the water, went ice skating for the first time ever, and went out to dinner. It was a blast! We ate outside at a Mexican food restaurant on the balcony. Below us was an art show with live musicians playing. The kids even had the staff sing happy birthday to me while I had to wear a large sombrero!

Kristina and Devin made me birthday breakfast muffins! My favorite.

We forgot to bring swimming suits so Don had to taxi the kids to out to the rock. They couldn't believe all of the fish they could see. Nice legs babe!!

It's a good thing they provided buckets for the newbies. Devin's favorite was having us push him around while he sat on them! Kristina took to the skating like she had been doing it since she was born!


Ammon and Tara said...

um, when was your birthday? am i a bad friend or what?

Howard and Ang said...

Looks like you had a great birthday! I just have one question, did I just see Don in his underwear? LOL

Jen said...

Don's legs were kinda scary hugh?! Don't feel too bad Tara, you didn't miss it. It was clear back in August. That's just how slow I am about getting posts up!!