Friday, June 13, 2008


I kept track of gas prices on the way home too and was sickened by they prices we saw. I was able to keep a better record than when we drove down because we drove during the day on the way home. The lowest price for unleaded we saw was $3.87 (Hogback, NM). The highest was at $4.30 (Arriola, CO)! I was curious of the diesel prices after hearing that they were so much higher than unleaded, so I kept track of them also. The lowest was $4.65 (Hogback, NM) and the highest at $4.99!!! That was in Shiprock, NM (I think that is on the Navajo Reservation??) and also in Monticello, UT.
In my earlier post I was ranting about how we actually had to pay over $4.00 a gallon on our trip. Well.....low and behold.....when we got home, gas was at
$4.02 at the Maverick here in Weiser! The most expensive gas station in town had unleaded priced at $4.14!! I couldn't believe it. It did not do me good to have to pay attention to the gas prices almost everyday. I liked it much better when I only had to get gas every couple of weeks, or better yet, when Don would do it for me. I want to go back to being in a state of ignorance again!!

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